Monday, November 16, 2009

I am quite mad

I know.
I have a psych degree. I married a man with a psych degree.
I'm anally retentive, have a million "rules" and "things", I'm mildly OCD and slightly controlling. I am NOT a morning person, and I'm not even capable of pretending to be. People piss me off.

But I'm lovely, really.

And I decided, being a frustrated (non) novellist, after ranting on FB the other day about the evils of Playdough, and being inspired by my friend, the MadOne herself, that I need an appropriate outlet to vent from time to time, and a forum to explain the "rules" and "things" and just generally comment on how I see things.

So, Welcome to Planet Cid.

1 comment:

  1. I look forward to reading about the rules of the world according to Planet Cid!
